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5/29 Ed Hinerman On Life Insurance

You Might Have Dave Ramsey, But It Doesn't Mean You Have It Right!
May 28, 2009 at 7:01 pm

I will tread carefully with this since the last time I questioned Zander Insurance, well, frankly I kind of over stepped my point and pounded on them a bit. I publicly apologized and we all walked away feeling OK and deciding that while we both believe Dave Ramsey is right on the money, Zander does business a little differently than I do.

A friend pointed out to me that Zander’s website had a few errors on it. I looked at it and decided that was no big deal. On one page they quote rates for a company that no longer sells insurance. US Financial hasn’t written business in a few years and it was just their rate on a child rider so really, as I said, no big deal.

While I was there though I decided to dig a bit like we all do to each other’s websites (checking out the competition), and I ended up on their tobacco use page. I ran rates on myself as a smoker since Zander stated that “Many of our competitors simply treat all tobacco users the same eliminating any potential savings but we have companies that offer competitive preferred tobacco.” The best rate they showed was Transamerica at $6295.00 annually.

I then ran the exact same scenario on our website and found both Liberty Life ($5210.00) and Western Reserve Life ($5375.00), around $1000 a year less. Let me just state for the record that “Many of our competitors simply treat all tobacco users the same eliminating any potential savings, but we have companies that offer competitive preferred tobacco rates.” And these aren’t impossible to get fantasy quotes. Both of these companies have been kicking everyone’s rear end for some time in the preferred tobacco arena.

Bottom line. Zander is a fine agency and they made a case the last time we conversed that they don’t do business with some companies for administrative reasons. And I respect their decision. What I don’t respect is them indicating their competition is doing something bad when their accusation should be spoken into a mirror. Personally, administrative reasons or not, I’m thinking Dave would have a problem with the fact that Zander isn’t really offering people the best option for their hard earned dollar. Dave busts his rear getting those dollars freed up after all.

Just an aside. I am currently facilitating a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University, which I’ve been through myself and highly recommend to everyone. Dave admits freely that he doesn’t sell insurance so his opinion isn’t biased and I agree with Dave’s philosophy on the best way to buy and use term insurance. I know I’ll get yelled at for this, but personally I think Dave has placed a little too much trust in Zander in the life insurance arena. So, holler away!

Post from: Ed Hinerman On Life Insurance

You Might Have Dave Ramsey, But It Doesn’t Mean You Have It Right!

CEO's Fly More On Their Own Now!
May 28, 2009 at 5:07 pm


While the words CEO and flying may cause a little angst among some, the truth is that CEO’s are flying privately more often and whether that is on a corporately owned aircraft, a chartered jet, or their personally owned airplane, it is generally more efficient and cost effective to the company.

Life insurance underwriting for the pilot in all three of those scenarios is all over the board, but really that’s true of almost any underwriting topic other than the common cold. But private aviation and how different companies view it is about as diverse as you can get. While one company might give a private pilot preferred plus rates, another company will have them pay a flat extra fee for aviation coverage. Corporate pilots and charter pilots get the same wide variance in offers from best rate class to companies that really don’t want to cover them at all.

With the exception of airline pilots, underwriting of pilots really comes down to five primary questions.

1. Age of the pilot
2. Pilot rating - Commercial, private (IFR/VFR), or student
3. Total hours as pilot in command
4. Hours flown annually
5. Type of aircraft

Optimally the best rate class would go to someone over 26, IFR, 250+ total hours, 26-250 hours annually flying a proven, certified plane.

The truth is that private, student and commercial pilots can get very competitive rates and in most cases have the tough part of life insurance already whipped because they fall into that rare category of people who get regular physicals, so they actually know what their health is and it’s almost always good.

Bottom line. With good health being a given, even pilots that don’t meet the optimal criteria above can still get life insurance without paying a flat extra charge.

Post from: Ed Hinerman On Life Insurance

CEO’s Fly More On Their Own Now!